Today is my birthday -- 56 if anyone's counting!
Our talented daughter, Leslie, always commemorates special days with unique drawings on the little whiteboard in our kitchen. Often they depict things that only we understand, inside jokes and such. But today I thought everyone might get a kick out of this. Leslie knows I love Charlie Brown, so she took one of Charlie's classic settings -- the brick wall -- and put me and our pets behind it. That's me as Charlie, thinking about the problems of the world. Our dog, Indiana, takes the part of Snoopy to my left. Our cats, Tycho and Jake, and our turtle, Dickie, are, well, whoever you want them to be. That's how it should be -- family, drawn by family, enjoyed by family, all together. And that's what birthdays are all about, Charlie Brown. Sj I know some people have been coming to this site -- the Weebly graphing says so. But they haven't been finding anything. Well, the academic semester is over (for both me and our kids!), so now down to business on the night job.
Of course, Welcome to Apple Tree has been up for some time. Now it's GGF's turn. It will be a site dedicated to all our self-publishing interests in novels, photographs, graphic arts, and, of course, children's books. Hang on -- always more coming. SJ |
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